Fordefi API (0.2.0)

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Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme bearer
Bearer format "JWT"


This resource collection represents users.

User types and roles

There are several types of user in the Fordefi platform:
  • Person: A human user of the platform. Only a person can have an admin role.
  • API User: An API client key that is trying to interact with the platform.See Create an API user and token.
  • API Signer: Used to auto-sign transactions. See Automate Signing with API Signer.
  • End user: For Consumer Wallets. It represents the user of a third-party platform.
In addition, for all users (except end users in WaaS solutions) there are three possible user roles, which define the permissions that the user is given:
  • Admin: A user with high privileges in the organization. Only admins have permission to manage the policy, set up the backup, manage the address book, and add or remove users in the organization. Only a person can have an admin role.
  • Trader: A user who can create vaults and transactions.
  • Viewer: A user who has full view of the organization's users, addresses, and policies, as well as of the vaults and transactions, but does not have permissions to create them.

List Users

Get a list of users in the organization.

query Parameters
Array of strings (Sort By)
Items Enum: "role_asc" "role_desc" "email_asc" "email_desc" "created_asc" "created_desc" "name_asc" "name_desc" "last_keep_alive_asc" "last_keep_alive_desc" "state_asc" "state_desc" "type_asc" "type_desc"
integer (Page)
Default: 1
integer (Size) [ 0 .. 400 ]
Default: 50

The number of items per page.

Array of strings (Types)
Items Enum: "person" "api_signer" "api_user" "system"

The types of the users to filter on.

Array of strings (Roles)
Items Enum: "admin" "trader" "viewer"

The roles of the users to filter on.

Array of strings (States)
Items Enum: "active" "onboarding" "pending_approval" "deleted"

The states of the users to filter on. Is one of:

  • active: The user can perform all actions in the Fordefi platform.
  • onboarding: The user has been approved but still needs to activate the account.
  • pending_approval: The user has been invited but not yet approved.
  • deleted: The user has been deleted.

boolean (Include Deleted)
Default: false

True to include deleted users in the response, False otherwise.

Array of strings (Names)

The names of the users.

Array of strings (Emails)

The emails of the users.

Array of strings <uuid> (User Ids)

The unique identifiers of the users.

Array of strings (External Ids)

The IDs that you assign to the end user.

Array of strings <uuid> (Group Ids)

The unique identifiers of the user groups.

Array of strings <uuid> (Group Ids Not)

The unique identifiers of the user groups to exclude.

Array of strings (States On Groups)
Items Enum: "active" "pending_addition" "pending_removal"

The states of the user groups to filter group_ids on. Is one of:

  • active: The user group is active.
  • pending_addition: The user is pending to be added to the group.
  • pending_removal: The user is pending to be removed from the group.


Response samples

Content type
  • "total": 0,
  • "page": 0,
  • "size": 0,
  • "users": [